List of Gas Products & Services
Below is a list of gas products we provide. Some products may not be listed. Feel free to give us a call to check for availability.
What is Carbon Dioxide, and why it's safety is important
Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless, faintly acidic-tasting, non-flammable gas. It can be deadly even when normal oxygen levels are present. Reaching hazardous carbon dioxide levels can occur quickly and without warning and result in serious health effects or death. Because CO2 is 1.5 times heavier than air, leaking CO2 can accumulate at floor level in improperly ventilated or stuffy rooms, not necessarily limited to the container’s location and in low areas, such as basements. Even slow leaks can cause hazardous concentrations of carbon dioxide. Potential sources of hazardous concentrations of carbon dioxide, when carbon dioxide systems are indoors or in an enclosed outdoor area, can include but are not limited to:
The city of Austin requires businesses that are storing CO2 used for beverage dispensing that are 101 lbs. or greater in capacity are required to apply for a Hazmat Permit and that safety detectors and alarms are to be installed. If you feel your business requires more information about CO2 /Hazmat Permit, click on the links below. In other areas, check with your local government. If you need CO2 detectors and alarms installed, please give us a call.